Tuesday, August 17, 2010


“This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers.”
1 John 3:16

This week, I have been pondering the mission of The O'Connor House, pondering the best way to love the women who live here. What does it mean to lay down our lives for others? It has been a challenge for me to think about this, and I hope it challenges you as well. Sometimes I (and I’m sure all of us!) get busy with the details of life and forget the things that are really important: belief in Jesus’ sacrifice for our sins, and living our lives to love others!

Thank you to each and every one of you who have chosen to support The O'Connor House: Those who volunteer, who donate items, who give generously, who provide transportation, and more. We would not be here without you! Each day, I am reminded of your kindness to the women who live at The O'Connor House. Despite busy lives and a decreased economy, you have chosen to be a part of this ministry. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

Please be in prayer for us at The O'Connor House, and our intake coordinator specifically, as we are in the process of interviewing new residents. It is not an easy task to talk with the prospective residents, and it is not an easy decision for the women to move in here. Pray that their fears would not hinder the women from making the best choices. Pray also that Mandy would have wisdom in doing the interviewing, and that the Lord would fill this house with the women He wants. Please pray that we as staff and volunteers would be good friends, encouragers, and examples, pointing them to Jesus.

A few reminders: Don’t forget to write us in for the United Way campaign; we don’t want to miss this opportunity! Also, don’t forget to check out our website, Facebook and Twitter pages: (http://www.theoconnorhouse.org/; www.facebook.com/oconnor.house; www.twitter.com/theoconnorhouse!

Here are our house needs this week:
• Ladies under garments--Call me for specifics :)
• Toilet Paper
• Paper Towels

Willing to lay down my life,

Elli Jones
The O'Connor House
P.O. Box 1061
Carmel, IN 46082

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